Blindness Claims & Compensation

Contact us for a free consultation with a qualified solicitor on claiming for the loss of sight of a loved one or personally.

Loss of vision

The eye is a delicate and precious organ that when damaged, can have serious and life changing consequences. An injury to the eye might result in temporary or permanent blindness and range from partial to 100% loss of vision. Injuries that negatively affect a person’s sight may come as a result of a work accident, a car crash, medical negligence or even from an unfortunate slip and fall. Whatever the cause, the loss, or partial loss of vision is truly devastating.

Paschal O’Hare Solicitors are a respected and trusted local firm that is one of Northern Ireland’s few solicitors that practices only in personal injury law. We seek to provide clients with everything they need beyond financial damages for pain & suffering, from treatment to specialist equipment, in order to return to independent living as quickly as possible.

Your first step is to get in touch with Paschal O’Hare Solicitors.

Seymour Major of Paschal O'Hare Solicitors

Seymour Major

“We can help those facing life changing injuries move on with their life”.

Case Studies