Brain Injury Compensation Claims in Northern Ireland

Paschal O’Hare are brain injury claims solicitors helping people in Belfast and across Northern Ireland recover the compensation that they deserve. We understand the impact a brain injury can have on an individual and their family. Our solicitors are here to guide you through every step of the brain injury compensation claims process, dealing with all legal complexities on your behalf. Trust our solicitors with your claim and we’ll give you the compassion and care that you deserve.

Brain damage solicitors here to help

Brain injuries are often devastating and the consequences may have a life-changing impact. Paschal O’Hare Solicitors, with the help of an extensive support network across Northern Ireland, can help those suffering from a brain injury work towards the best quality of life available to them. We can seek compensation for the pain and suffering caused and claim for special damages such as specialist care, equipment, transport and home improvements. Often, special damages amount to the sum of several million and will provide lifelong care for the sufferer of a brain injury.

At Paschal O’Hare Personal Injury Solicitors, we’ve been providing compassionate and expert legal services for over 50 years. Whether your brain injury was sustained in a road accident, workplace accident, or any other circumstances, we are ready to help you.

Recovering from a brain injury is challenging enough without having to worry about making a compensation claim. If you suffered a brain injury or a head injury, your first step is to get in touch with our brain damage solicitors in Belfast, Glengormley, and Carrickfergus. We are standing ready to guide you through the entire brain injury claims process.  

What is a traumatic brain injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined as an alteration in brain function caused by an external force. It typically occurs due to a sudden trauma such as a slip and fall at work or even a car traffic accident.

The wide-ranging and profound impact of TBI can affect physical health, mental health, as well as personality. Symptoms can include problems with memory, concentration, communication as well as emotional issues such as depression and anxiety, where the severity of the impact can vary depending on the extent of the injury. Rehabilitation and ongoing support can help manage symptoms but many lifelong challenges can result from these types of injuries. 

What are common effects of brain injury

A traumatic brain injury is a complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms. The impact of these injuries on a person and their family can be devastating, but understanding the effects can be the first step towards recovery and adaptation. Broadly speaking, brain injuries will have cognitive, behavioural, and physical effects.

Cognitive Issues

Brain injuries can significantly affect a person’s cognitive abilities, leading to:

  • Memory loss: Difficulty remembering new information or recalling the past.
  • Concentration issues: Issues maintaining focus.
  • Altered persona: Significant and serious changes in personality.
  • Issues with processing and understanding information: Difficulty understanding spoken or written language.
  • Issues with planning or organising: Struggling to plan daily tasks.
  • Problems with reasoning and problem-solving skills: Difficulty in making logical decisions and solving problems.
  • Attention deficiencies: Difficulty in maintaining attention, easily distracted.
  • Trouble understanding what others are saying: Struggling to comprehend spoken language.
  • Diminishment of speaking skills: Difficulty speaking clearly/fluently.
  • Issues with communicating thoughts: Struggling to express thoughts or feelings clearly.

Behavioural Issues

Behavioural changes are common after a brain injury and can include:

  • Restlessness: Difficulty staying still.
  • Lack of emotion: Difficulty expressing and/or feeling emotions.
  • Irritability: Quick to anger, easily frustrated.
  • Aggression: Outbursts of verbal/physical aggression.
  • Anxiety: Persistent feelings of worry.
  • Depression: Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or loss of interest in activities.
  • Inappropriate sexual behaviour: Engaging in sexual behaviour at inappropriate times/places.
  • Sexual dysfunction: Difficulty with sexual arousal/performance.
  • Poor impulse control: Acting without thinking about the consequences.
  • Lack of awareness: Reduced awareness of self, others, or the environment.
  • Inability to look after family members: Struggling with caregiving responsibilities.
  • Problems with daily living: Difficulty with self-care tasks.

Physical Issues

Physical issues are often the most visible effects of a brain injury and can include:

  • Mobility issues: Difficulty moving and/or walking.
  • Balance issues: Difficulty maintaining balance.
  • Weakness or paralysis: Reduced strength or inability to move parts of the body.
  • Ataxia: Uncoordinated or clumsy movements due to the brain’s inability to regulate the body’s posture, strength, and limb position.
  • Sensory impairment: Changes in sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.
  • Fatigue: Constant tiredness, lack of energy.
  • Coordination issues: Difficulty coordinating movements, such as picking up objects or tying shoelaces.
Brain Injury Compensation Claims in Northern Ireland

Practical Impact of TBI

The practical implications of a traumatic brain injury can be far-reaching, affecting many aspects of daily life:

  • Inability to work: Difficulty maintaining employment due to cognitive, behavioural or physical issues.
  • Financial difficulties: Struggles with managing finances, often exacerbated by loss of income due to inability to work.
  • Altered family and friend relationships: Changes in personal relationships due to altered personality, behaviours, or the practicalities of living with a brain injury.
  • Inability to participate in previously enjoyed social and leisure activities: For example, physical impairments might mean you can no longer play football or golf.

Our solicitors fully understand the impact a brain injury can have on the individual and their loved ones. For over 50 years, our firm has been assisting people across Northern Ireland who suffered these types of injuries. We’re committed to helping you navigate every aspect of the legal process, ensuring you get the support and compensation required for your recovery journey.

We will connect you with brain injury specialists

In the delicate process of recovery from brain injury, connecting with skilled experts will provide invaluable insight and care. Our solicitors recognize the need for multi-faceted support tailored closely to individual needs.

By your side throughout each phase, we seek to give you access to a circle of compassionate specialists – leaders in their fields with abilities to uplift and empower. Though paths may differ, sharing is our goal of optimal wellbeing.

Here are some of the specialists we may involve:

  • Consultation Neurologist: They specialise in diagnosing and treating neurological disorders. 
  • Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine: Focus on the management and rehabilitation of people in Northern Ireland with disabilities, including brain injuries. 
  • Clinical Neuropsychologist: They assess the relationship between brain function and behaviour.
  • Consultant Psychiatrist: They assess the psychological aspects related to your brain injury. 
  • Neurosurgeon: They provide expertise in performing brain surgeries and other procedures.
  • Speech and Language Therapist: They provide assistance when a brain injury affects communication abilities. 
  • Occupational Therapist: They focus on facilitating your ability to engage in daily activities and regain independence.

By collaborating with these specialists, our solicitors aim to ensure that your unique needs are addressed. We will facilitate communication and coordination between you and the specialists, gathering the necessary evidence to support your brain injury claim effectively.

Who can make a brain injury claim in Northern Ireland?

You could be eligible to make a brain injury claim if you’ve suffered the injury in Northern Ireland due to someone else’s negligence. It could have resulted from a car accident or a work accident or another type of accident including a trip and fall. The claim can be initiated by either the injured person or a representative. If someone is unable to make a claim themselves due to the severity of their condition, a family member or even a solicitor could be eligible to pursue a claim on their behalf.

What are the time limits for making a claim?

In Northern Ireland, you typically have 3 years from the date of the accident to make a claim. This is known as the ‘limitation period’. However, it’s important to note that there are certain exceptions to this rule. The 3-year time limit for bringing a claim does not apply if the injury victim lacks mental capacity due to their brain injuries. In these situations, the clock only begins ticking once the individual regains their ‘capacity.’ It’s important to speak with one of our solicitors if you’re uncertain or unclear about the application of the statute of limitations in your particular case.

If you have any questions, reach out to our solicitors in Belfast, Glengormley, and Carrickfergus. It’s important to seek advice from our expert solicitors sooner rather than later. This is because the earlier you begin the brain injury claims process, the easier it will be to collect evidence and for our solicitors to build a strong case on your behalf.

How long does a brain injury claim typically take?

The length of a brain injury claim in Northern Ireland can vary greatly depending on the complexity of your case. Given the nature of these types of injuries, it’s possible for these cases to take several years to reach a conclusion. Factors that can impact the length of time it takes typically include: the severity of the injury, if liability is denied, and whether court proceedings need to be issued.

At Paschal O’Hare, we understand that this can be a stressful time, and we aim to resolve all claims as efficiently and effectively as possible, while also ensuring that you receive the maximum compensation.

How can our brain injury claim solicitors help?

Navigating a brain injury claim can feel overwhelming. At Paschal O’Hare Solicitors, our compassionate legal experts will guide you through the whole process with care. We’ll start with a free consultation to discuss your case and advise on what steps we should take.

We’ll then gather all necessary evidence, negotiate with the other party’s insurance company, and if necessary, represent you in court. Our solicitors are  dedicated to not only ensuring you get the compensation you deserve but we’re also here to make sure you receive the support you need to help you recover from your injuries. 

We are also here to answer any questions and address concerns compassionately. With over 50 years serving brain injury victims, you can trust our team to fight for your rights and the support you deserve.

Reach out to our solicitors in Belfast, Glengormley, and Carrickfergus to begin your claim today. 

Patrick O'Hare injury solicitor looking at Belfast

Patrick O'Hare

“A brain injury can have lasting consequences. Our goal is to achieve the most compensation so that our clients can lead as full a life as possible.”

Morgan's Story: A Spotlight on Brain Injury

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