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car accident claim in Carrickfergus

Theo’s car accident claim settles for £9,000 (Carrickfergus) 

Theo was involved in a car accident in Carrickfergus one early January morning. He was driving along Victoria Road when another car quickly emerged from a junction, colliding with his vehicle. He was concerned about his injuries and didn’t know whether he could make a car accident claim in Carrickfergus or which solicitors to contact.

Theo searched for solicitors specialising in car accident claims in Carrickfergus

Theo decided to do a Google search for solicitors that dealt with car accident claims in Carrickfergus. After making contact with our enquiry team, our solicitors quickly contacted him to get more information about his car accident. 

Our car accident solicitors immediately conducted a search of the third party’s vehicle registration in order to establish the identity of their motor insurer. A letter of claim was directed to them setting out Theo’s allegations. An admission of liability was received from the third party insurer only a few weeks later.

We arranged for Theo to be examined by a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon. He was suffering low back pain as a result of the accident. The medical report documented the reduction of Theo’s recreational activities as a result of his injury. The Consultant was of the view that this would continue for up to 12 months.

Our solicitors entered into negotiations with the third party insurer. An initial offer was made, which was rejected. In the end, the case settled for £9,000 only 5 months after the accident occurred. Theo was pleased with the outcome of his case. 

If you were involved in a car accident in Carrickfergus, our solicitors are standing by to help. We’ve got a team in Carrickfergus ready to assist with any personal injury related questions that you might have. Contact the best car accident solicitors in Carrickfergus today by completing our form or calling us on 0800 020 9311. We are standing by to help. 


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