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Common Workplace Accidents in Summer

Common Workplace Accidents in Summer

Summer is a time of increased activity in many industries across Northern Ireland, with longer days and better weather conditions allowing for more work to be done outdoors. However, this also means that the risk of workplace accidents can increase as workers may face unique challenges that come with working outside.

In this blog, we’ll explore some common types of workplace accidents in summer in Northern Ireland, focusing on three main sectors: construction, landscape, and agriculture. We will also discuss the importance of contacting a trusted personal injury solicitor if you’ve been involved in a work accident that wasn’t your fault.

1. Construction Worker Accident

The construction industry is one of the most dangerous sectors in Northern Ireland, with a near infinite amount of hazards that can result in injuries. Construction workers in Northern Ireland are often faced with more challenges during the summer, which can lead to serious injuries if adequate safety measures are not put in place.

Some common construction accidents that can happen during the summer include:

  • Falls from height: Working at height during the summer is quite common and falls can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities. Adequate protection and appropriate training are critical to prevent these types of accidents.
  • Heavy equipment accidents: Construction sites use various heavy machinery like cranes and forklifts. Accidents involving these machines can cause catastrophic injuries, especially if workers are not adequately trained and if equipment isn’t maintained.
  • Stuck by heavy objects: It’s common for construction workers in Northern Ireland to be struck by moving vehicles or falling objects. Proper communication and adherence to safety protocols is essential to minimize risks.

2. Landscape Worker Accidents

Landscape workers are also at increased risk for accidents and injuries during the summer. With the increased demand for landscaping services in the warmer months, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and take preventative measures to ensure everyone’s safety. 

Some prevalent accidents among landscape workers includes:

  • Slips and falls: Uneven terrain and wet surfaces can lead to slips and falls for landscape workers. Proper training and footwear can help reduce the risk of these accidents.
  • Machinery accidents: Landscape workers in Northern Ireland often use power tools and equipment like lawn mowers and trimmers. Accidents can occur if these tools are used improperly or if there’s been a lack of proper maintenance or training.
  • Chemical exposure: Landscape workers may handle various chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers. Accidental exposure or improper handling can result in burns as well as respiratory issues.

3. Agricultural Worker Accidents

Many hardworking people across Northern Ireland working in the agricultural industry face unique risks and challenges during the summer. The long hours and physically demanding work can contribute to a higher risk of accidents and injuries for agricultural workers. 

Some common agricultural accidents that can happen during the summer include:

  • Heavy Machinery accidents: Machinery and equipment like tractors and combine harvesters are common on farms across Northern Ireland. However, these machines can pose a significant risk of injury if not used properly. Rollover accidents and collisions can lead to severe injuries or even fatalities. 
  • Animal related accidents: Working with livestock like cattle and horses can be unpredictable and even dangerous. It’s common for people to suffer injuries resulting from kicks, bites, and some can get crushed by large animals.
  • Chemical Exposure: Workers may be more likely to come into contact with certain chemicals due to increased spraying and handling during the summer. Proper training as well as safety measures should be in place to minimize the risk of adverse exposure.

Get the Legal Support You Deserve From Paschal O’Hare Solicitors

If you’ve been involved in a work accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s important to seek legal support from experienced personal injury solicitors like Paschal O’Hare. We are the best-rated personal injury law firm in Northern Ireland on Trustpilot and have over 50 years of experience helping people involved in these types of cases. 

We understand the challenges that Northern Irish workers face. That’s why our solicitors are here to offer compassionate and understanding legal support to help you navigate the complicated claims process.

Our team of expert work accident solicitors will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve, so you can focus on your recovery and getting you back on track. Don’t hesitate to contact Paschal O’Hare Personal Injury Solicitors if you’ve been involved in a workplace accident in Northern Ireland – we’re here to help you.


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