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Top 5 tips for driving in stormy conditions in Northern Ireland

Top 5 tips for driving in stormy conditions in Northern Ireland

With Northern Ireland dealing with relentless and powerful storms lately, drivers face an uncertain challenge whenever you try to get on the roads. Your safety should be your #1 priority. It’s important to adopt a strategic approach to help reduce risks of an accident.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top 5 tips for drivers in Northern Ireland to navigate stormy conditions safely.

1) Stay Informed and Plan Your Route

Being proactive about the weather conditions is an important part of staying safe driving during storms. Stay informed by checking weather forecasts before embarking on your journey. If possible, delay your trip until the worst of the storm has passed. Choose main roads over side streets, as main routes are more likely to be cleared and maintained during stormy weather.

Before hitting the road, you should try to use an app that provides live traffic updates and suggest alternative routes based on current road conditions. Planning ahead can save you unnecessary headaches associated with stormy weather.

2) Drive at a Safe Speed

One of the fundamental principles when facing stormy weather is to reduce your speed significantly. When combined, slippery roads and reduced visibility creates a recipe for disaster. These conditions require you to be far more cautious when driving. You should slow down. This will allow for better control and allow you more time to react to sudden changes on the road.

It’s always better to prioritise safety over arriving a few minutes early. Reaching your destination slightly later by driving at a sensible speed for the weather conditions is a small sacrifice to make in order to significantly increase your safety and the safety of others on the road.

3) Effective Use of Lights

Low visibility is one of the biggest problems when driving in stormy weather. For this reason, it’s critical to optimise your vehicle’s lights for safety. By turning on your headlights, not only can you see the road better, but other motorists can more easily notice your presence too. Please remember to use dipped headlights to minimise glare without reducing illumination.

In particularly heavy rain or fog, fog lights can further improve vision. Don’t overlook utilising hazard lights to communicatively warn others if your speed must drastically decrease or if you need to stop. This simple precaution signals reduced movement ahead and may help prevent collisions if last-minute braking’s required. The lighting controls in your vehicle exist to help you see and be seen – they’re vital tools to safeguard lives in stormy conditions.

4) Increase Following Distance

Stormy weather can cause unpredictable and hazardous road conditions. It is vitally important to increase your following distance in these situations. Heavy rain, snow or high winds may lengthen braking distances or cause vehicles to hydroplane, so leaving extra space between you and the car in front provides an important safety buffer.

By maintaining a safe following distance, you reduce the risk of rear-end collisions and allow yourself more time to react if the driver in front makes a sudden manoeuvre or makes a sudden stop.

5) Maintain Focus and Stay Calm

Driving in stormy conditions can be stressful, but it’s crucial to stay focused on the task at hand. Minimise distractions inside your vehicle, including mobile phones, adjusting the radio, or engaging in lengthy conversations. Concentrate on the road, anticipate potential hazards, and remain calm.

How Paschal O’Hare Can Help After An Accident

Even following best safety practices, some drivers fall victim to collisions outside of their control during severe storms. If unfavourable weather played a role in an incident that caused you injury, speak to Paschal O’Hare Personal Injury Solicitors.

For over 50 years, we have supported victims of negligent or distracted drivers across Northern Ireland. Our specialist solicitors understand the physical and financial toll accidents can take. That’s why we’re committed to pursuing maximum compensation. 

With a trusted reputation and staff dedicated to your case, Paschal O’Hare can assess liability and build a strong claim. We’ll work tirelessly to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to arrange a consultation about achieving the justice and support you deserve.


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