Stephen’s hearing loss claim settles for £15,000 (Monkstown)

Stephen was employed by Nortel Networks UK Ltd, which was then known as Standard Telephones & Cables in 1981. He worked in the open plan machine shop which housed a number of loud pneumatic machines that operated all day. When he started working for the Monkstown telecommunications company, the number of machines were modest. However, over the years as the company enjoyed expansion, the machines more than doubled in number.

Stephen was not provided with hearing protection or any other form of personal protection equipment (PPE) for his ears.

A number of years later, and despite having retired now, Stephen began to notice a ringing in his ears at night when he went to bed. He noted that friends & loved ones began to comment on his preference of having the car radio and TV turned up to a high volume and he became aware that his hearing had deteriorated.

Stephen experienced ringing and buzzing in the ears.

Stephen contacted us in hope of pursuing an industrial disease claim for compensation. We sent our new client for an audiogram hearing test that showed his hearing loss was a result of spending time in a loud environment a number of years ago. We provided this new evidence to the insurance company that served Nortel over the years and agreed on a settlement in the amount of £15,000.

If you are suffering from hearing loss like Stephen and think it’s due to exposure to loud noise at work, learn more about our services. Or, contact us now for a free no obligation discussion on how we can help you too.

What the NHS says about Stephen’s industrial disease

Hearing Loss