car accident Larne

Kevin’s car accident settles for £12,000 (Larne)

Kevin was involved in a car accident on Ballyhone Road in Larne. He pulled his vehicle in to allow oncoming cars to pass on a narrow single lane when an oncoming vehicle collided with the front of his stationary vehicle. Kevin sustained injuries to his back, neck, right shoulder, right arm, right leg together with hip pain and headaches.

Kevin contacted our car accident specialists 

After growing increasingly concerned about his injuries, Kevin decided to contact Paschal O’Hare Personal Injury Solicitors for assistance.

Once Kevin consulted with one of our solicitors, a search to confirm the correct third party insurer was carried out and a letter of claim was directed to the relevant insurance company. Our solicitors quickly secured an admission of liability from the third-party insurance company.

We arranged for Kevin to be examined by a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and arranged for an MRI to be carried out. We gathered our client’s GP notes and records and provided these to the Consultant who produced a report detailing the nature and extent of our client’s injuries.

After medical evidence was served, negotiations commenced between the third-party insurer and our office. The third-party insurer initially offered our client £9,500 which was rejected. We were able to negotiate an increased settlement figure of £12,000 which Kevin was very happy with. 

If you were involved in a car accident in Larne, our solicitors are here for you. Learn about our extensive experience or contact our team today to see how we can help.